Why is it so difficult to disconnect?

Something that I've realized throughout my experiences with social media is that sometimes you just have to remove yourself from the world of constant likes, comments, and posts.  But even though I consciously know that, it is still very difficult to actually make it happen.  In a world where notifications are always within reach, and constant validation is something we all seek, disconnecting is no longer just about turning the phone off, but becomes something that requires a constant effort, and in many senses, a complete lifestyle change.  Disconnecting is something that I often want to do, but I never do when I'm at home or going about my daily life. When my phone is right there, and I feel that I have nothing better to do, its too easy to simply go back to the world of scrolling pointlessly. 
However, every summer, I am in a sense, forced to disconnect for a week, and this has consistently resulted in the best weeks of my life.  Every summer, my extended family goes on a trip up to the mountains, and no surprise, cell service and wifi is lacking.  We are all forced to disconnect completely, and instead enjoy the people, scenery, and activities. The only reason for phones is to take pictures, so they only contribute to capturing memories, not preventing them from occurring. I know that this is my favorite week of the year, and a huge part of it is due to disconnecting and leaving the world of social media behind.  However, even knowing that, I still can't disconnect in my daily life.  Unless I'm forced, its extremely hard to completely disconnect for any significant amount of time.  Hopefully I can begin to use the memories of these wonderful times of disconnection to encourage a step back from social media, even when I'm right here at home. 


  1. I too find it very hard to disconnect from the social media world. Even when I tried to make a conscious effort to stay off for SnapChat for awhile, notifications on my phone, kept drawing me back to it. Even if I was able to swerve away from SnapChat, I could just scroll through Instagram for hours. My phone is almost never more than a few feet away from me. With notifications showing on the face every time I pick it up.

  2. I also feel that it is extremely difficult in today's day and age. It seems strange that disconnecting for even one hour, and not having social media at all, is something to pride oneself in. I also think that I can disconnect, but I find it difficult to avoid looking at my phone for even one hour.


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