How Hard Can it Be? Very, Very Hard
The video MissRepresentation Points to many of the issues that women face in today's society, mostly stemming from their portrayal in the media. According to the documentary, women are seen as sexual objects due to their portrayal in media, which causes young girls and women to feel pressured to fit these unreasonable body images. Women are also seen as inferior because of their roles in shows in movies, which prevents them from having much of a role in politics, or other powerful positions. However, after realizing that there is a problem, there is the problem of finding a feasible solution, and this isn't very easy. The documentaries solution centered around challenging media companies and holding them accountable, encouraging women leaders, and having more education in media literacy for boys and girls. However, I feel that these steps aren't necessarily enough to make sure that future generations of girls and boys feel safe and comfortable on social media and in...